Sunday, July 29, 2012

Ernest Hemingway 7/29/2012

"Some writers are only born to help another writer write one sentence."
                                                     -- Ernest Hemingway

".... Between 1925 and 1961, Ernest Hemingway changed the face of American fiction and became a widely recognized public figure. One hundred years after his birth, he has become an American icon whose picture needs no identifying caption, for his face and his name, both ubiquitous are the very definition of "the writer" to many people. His rise from promising unknown writer to world-renowned figure was charted with clarion accuracy by The New York Times, in whose pages Hemingway's life and art were regular features. Here on the Web, The Times has assembled the most important of those stories, making immediate what once took days toiling in libraries to locate, find on microfilm and print. Reading through these reviews and news stories, one not only learns a good deal about Ernest Hemingway, but also will take in a short cultural history of America in this century...."

Quoted from Michael Reynolds' July 11, 1999 essay "Hemingway in Our Times"

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